高等教育ジャーナル = Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning;第24号


大学生のジェネリックスキルと成績や就職との関連に関する実証的研究 : 北海道大学生に対する調査結果を事例として

亀野, 淳

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/65034
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/J.HighEdu.24.137


This study revealed the relationship between generic skills of Hokkaido University students and their academic performance and employment. A progress report on generic skills (PROG) was used as a way of measuring these skills quantitatively and its results were linked with data obtained in a questionnaire survey on their career awareness. The findings included the following. (1) Although the literacy of Hokkaido University students was found to be high, their competency was found to be at roughly the same level as the national average. (2) Although no clear relationship was found between competency and academic performance, prospective employers tended to report higher satisfaction with students who had higher competency scores. (3) Although the competency score was high for students who were trying to act proactively and spontaneously, who were making efforts toward definite goals or who had high interest in other conntries, no relationship was found between competency and their enthusiasm in studies, club activities or part-time jobs.